
I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Middlebury College. Most of my students call me Professor Rose, but you can also call me Professor Morris-Wright if you prefer.

Research: I do math research is an area of math called "Geometric group theory". This area combines algebra and geometry to study symmetry. If you want to learn more about my research, I suggest this video about hyperbolic geometry and this video about group theory. Neither of these videos are made by me, but they are good introductions to the kinds of math I think about. 

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Contact info:

Office: Warner 201

Office hours (Fall  2024): M 3-4pm, T 10-11am, F 12:30-1:30pm

All students are welcome at office hours. You don't need to prepare a question ahead. 

Email: rmorriswright@middlebury.edu

Anonymous Student Feedback form: You must be logged in to your Middlebury account, but the form doesn't collect any information about you! https://forms.gle/C9zhvWta2nUxHku58 

CV: Click here